There's a 'silly' factor attached to most of the Republican presidential candidates this time around. You respected Mitt Romney until you heard that he had strapped his family pet to the roof of his car when embarking on a family vacation. Now I think of Chevy Chase more than I do of Mitt as President. What ISN'T silly about Michelle Bachman, Newt Gingrich, and Sarah Palin?
Until today, Ron Paul was an interesting, well meaning, iconoclastic man with views out of the mainstream but at least well thought out and consistant. Then came his pronouncement that we are 'assasinating' Al Queda operatives 'without a trial'. Perhaps Ron missed school on 9/11 when we were attacked by these people. Perhaps he missed the memo that we declared war on Al Queda and all that war involves. Perhaps he forgot that the attacks and the war declaration came with Republicans in office. Perhaps he wasn't there the day in history class whyen we learned that in the early days of out country Thomas Jefferson declared war of the pirates that were threatening the USA - this establishing the precedent of declaring war against an organization as opposed to a soverign country. We ask our government foremost to protect us from enemies and it is most assuring to see President Obama be so successful in helping to keep us safe. Ron Paul as our President? No thanks....we have enough to worry about without wondering if our government is going to come up with rationalizations that put our safety in peril.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Friday, September 23, 2011
Two Mormons and Seven Morons
Help! We need a legitimate Republican presedential candidate and we need one now! The only two possible statemen in this motley crew - Huntsman and Romney- are so overshadowed by the other seven, who look like the cast of a reality show called Knee Jerk Headline Grabbers. Thank God Sarah Palin isn't further fouling the nest, but Republicans are at a real cross roads as to whether they can wrest the White House from President Obama next year. The American people are not going to tolerate a cartoon character (pick six) or a one trick pony (Ron Paul).
Poor Tim Pawlenty might be boring, but he would have made a good president. What does it say aboput our country that the squeaky wheel with no substance (Bachmann) could drown out a studious, serious candidate who could best run our country. Sound bits and hair do's rule in this multichannel age, unfortunately. Let's hope that Huntsman or Romney can prevail and that the winner will take on Pawlenty as the VP. We need a serious candidate who can gain the concensus of the people or we'll have four more years on the outside at a time when true Rockefeller Republican values are so needed in this country.
Poor Tim Pawlenty might be boring, but he would have made a good president. What does it say aboput our country that the squeaky wheel with no substance (Bachmann) could drown out a studious, serious candidate who could best run our country. Sound bits and hair do's rule in this multichannel age, unfortunately. Let's hope that Huntsman or Romney can prevail and that the winner will take on Pawlenty as the VP. We need a serious candidate who can gain the concensus of the people or we'll have four more years on the outside at a time when true Rockefeller Republican values are so needed in this country.
Friday, September 16, 2011
I Always Thought that Glen Rice Had it in for Todd
So much for family values.... Turns out our gal Sarah liked to get it on with the people she covered while a TV news reporter in Alaska. Gross! At least Bristol had a relationship with the guy who knocked her up out of wedlock....certainly an 'improvement' over one night stands. She's making John Ensign start to look good! Seriously, the trouble with espousing a 'holier than thou' image is the seamy and cheesy details that later are revealed to show you to be a hypocrite. Makes you ashamed to be a Republican....where did we get these people? And can someone please get them out of the Republican national spotlight?
Thursday, September 15, 2011
This Just In.....
Sarah Palin has just declared herself 'pleased' with the recent Tea Party Backed CNN Republican Presidential debat, that saw the vrowd cheer at the prospect of a non insured person dying rather than getting governmental help. What a gross broad....
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Tea Party Audience Applauds Concept of An Uninsured Person Dying
This makes me embarassed to be a Republican. The chickens have come home to roost for us. First we compromised our morals when we cross pollinated with the 'Dixiecrats' in 1948. Then we tossed aside our good sense in allowing Newt Gingrich to bring in the haters that are the 'Moral Majority'. Well, we needed the votes to advance the Republican agenda, but the cure has been so much worst than the disease. Now we have people like Sharon Angle and Sarah Palin representing the Republican party. Be careful what you wish for......
What Happens When Sarah Palin Moves From Alaska to Arizona?
It raises the IQ level in both states......
What is MSNBC Thinking With Al Sharpton?
Is there anyone else out there troubled by MSNBC helping to validate Al Sharpton's attempt to cross over from rabble rousing thug to legitimate media personality? I was there in the middle of the Tawana Brawley disgrace in New York. Al Sharpton's behavior was shameful beyond the pale. I was there when he and his fellow thugs shouted out the name of the Central Park rape victim on the TV live shots, trying to 'out' the identity of this poor woman so brutally violated by some of Sharpton's bretheren. Simply put, Al Sharpton has blood on his hands. There are innocent victims of his hate based incidiary rhetoric laying in their graves as a direct result of the irresponsible Sharpton vitriol. So now Al is legit? So long as his victims remain dead, I am going to be troubled by this miracle rehabilitation of Al Sharpton.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Why Weren't We Prepared?
There was an unsettling footnote to the September 11 ceremonies. Buried amidst the ceremonies was a story that two F 16's were sent out to ram the plane that eventually went down in Pennsylvania before it reached Washington, DC. The reason? We did not have any planes armed and on alert in case of an emergency. How is this possible? During the cold war, we were on a constant state of readiness. How could this have become lax? These aren't rhetorical questions. I'd like to hear from our government to answer why this happened and how it has been corrected. We need to know. American needs to know.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Helping Khaddafi? How Bush!
Just when you think you can't get more disappointed in the behavior of President Bush during his reign, the Khaddafi / CIA connection comes up. Oh boy..... Now when the Bush - Chaney ticket came to power, it wasn't a far stretch to think that oil and war would be on our national agenda. Of course, those turned out to be the right businesses to be in, unless you were an average American who had to pay the de facto oil tax or the actual war machine tax. Ouch! I still laugh at the wag who likened Bush attacking Iraq after 9/11 to President Roosevelt aveging Pearl Harbor by attacking Pearl Bailey! But this Khaddafi thing is upsetting and yet not surprising. Listening to the screeds of Dick Cheney trying to justify his behavior in his recent book makes one realize just how far removed we are from the statesmen so sorely needed in this time of economic and political revulsion. THe disappointment of a non engaging Barrack Obama is chilled by the yahoo free for all that is the Republican presidential front runner competition.
Is there a statesman in the house......please! We need one now more than ever.
Is there a statesman in the house......please! We need one now more than ever.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Welcome to the New Washington Star!
In a town so steeped in history, it was especially painful to see the Washington Star depart the scene. It was a voice that has been missed in the media mosaic of the nation's capitol. The eventual rise of the Washington Times has hardly filled the void, but hopefully this new 21st century E Newspaper version can add to the city's media mix.
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We'll be combining text, photos, video, and audio in an unbiased fashion. And- this section is yours to explain, to announce, to rant, and to emote.
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